HomeAll Holly Wreaths

Holly Wreaths

Posted in : All, Bars and Cookies, Vegetarian on by : Jeremy

25 wreaths

1 stick butter
30 large marshmallows
½ tsp. vanilla
½ tsp. vanilla
1 ½ tsp. green food coloring
3 ½ cups cornflakes
1-2 Tbsp. red cinnamon candies
In a large saucepan melt butter and marshmallows over low heat, stirring constantly. Add vanilla and food coloring and stir until well blended. Add cornflakes. Drop by rounded greased tablespoonfuls onto waxed paper lined cookie sheets. Shape into 2” wreaths (works best if you continually wash your hands with ice cold water and then dry them). Decorate each with candies. About 80 calories each.

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